My best work comes when my mind is at peace.
Life does “get in the way” and like most
Of us I become ensnared by the challenges and noise of our fast paced world.
There are times when weeks go by and I have found myself far from the mental stillness I often enjoy.
I must put in the effort and use the coping skills I have developed to return to the Paradise of my Mind.
I have my “quiet time” early each morning, which is a time of stillness, meditation and prayer.
I will exercise more and walk on lonely beaches.
If necessary I will consult a friend.
I might attend church a few times a week during these periods of unrest.
We all know what works best for each of us individually.
Finally I return to the Paradise on my Mind.
It is then the brush flows. I am “divinely inspired” and the peacefulness of my mind is communicated on the canvas.
It is magic.